Saturday, September 13, 2008

Jon's Imagination

Jon cracks us up with his imagination. He loves to dress up. Most often, it is not as characters he has made up, but he is so creative in making the clothes etc. around the house work to make the costumes. It is impressive. Trent and I think Jon may just be the next Tim Burton. He certainly seems to favor things like The Nightmare Before Christmas, Monster House, The Spiderwick Chronicles, and other things that have elements of fantasy and monsters in them. We watched Enchanted again last night. Jon's favorite part, of course, is when Queen Narissa turns into a dragon. Below I have posted several pictures taken that show his imaginative innovation. Too funny.
Jon as Harry Potter. Who knew that US Coast Guard t-shirts from Katrina relief could double as a Hogwarts robe? The tie is colored and cut out. The wand is a chopstick. The glasses are Trent's old glasses with the lenses popped out, and yes, he drew a scar on his head with a marker.

As Chowder from Monster House with his self constructed Monster House

The Monster House got far more elaborate

Jon as Dr. Two Brains from Word Girl

Jon as Jack Skellington. He now has an actual Jack costume and is going to be Jack for Halloween. This was his made up one before we got his costume.

Jon as Thimbletack from the Spiderwick Chronicles

This is a made up character. In this case, Jon is Mr. Professor X


Amy & Mark said...

What a cute boy! I love his imagination!

M and M said...

I see a future in acting! Too cute

Monica Lawver said...

HI WARNERS! It's taken me years, but I'm finally blogging and reading blogs. Jon has got to be the cutest Harry Potter I've ever seen. I want to send you an email invite to our family blog (you've gotta log in to read ours) but don't have your email. Perhaps I can hunt it down through Nicole or Mom. Anyhow, I hope I'll do a better job keeping in touch! (Love, Monica)