Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Jon

Jon celebrated his 6th birthday this week. We are in such a crazy time with the last week of school and Missions Law goings on and trying to find a house to move to etc. etc. Still, we found a little time to celebrate our adorable little man. He had a great birthday filled with lots of the things he loves very best. He got to open his presents before getting ready for school and enjoy the Spiderman video from Grandpa Dude and Muriel/Grammy while eating. Otherwise, the day's activities dictated that Jon had to wait. So, he meticulously stacked up his new toys to wait until he could return and play with them. They have all been out and assembled and played with repeatedly now. I think having Jon's birthday somehow put my kids in summer vacation mode. Now when they get up in the morning, they forget they need to get ready and just want to play.

Opening presents

Hooray. Indiana Jones legoes. Two of Jon's favorite things rolled into one!

Stacking up the toys to wait for later.

As I mentioned earlier, Jon received a Spiderman video from my Dad and Stepmom. In the video, whenever Spiderman has his mask off, it is Jon's head. These videos are of the kids the first time they watched the video. I love hearing them giggle when they see Jon, and I love how Jon points to himself and says, "that's me!"


Shea said...

Awesome! I can't wait to see you guys this summer. It is great to hear he had a good birthday! I was hoping you would post pictures of him 8) Thank you.

I love the reaction to the video. =)

M and M said...

Looks like all the kids liked it:) Thanks for posting the video, that was cool!

M and M said...

What a great idea to take video of the kids watching! Love, Grammy