Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Lamb, A Lion, or a Flash

We returned from our Spring Break traveling this past Thursday night. As I was unpacking, I was thinking about when to fit in coloring eggs with the kids and it occurred to me; I had not only not made martenitsas with them, I hadn't even THOUGHT about martenitsas until that moment. This really gave me pause to realize how quickly March came and went. Never mind whether it came in like a lamb or a lion. I am not sure I could remember to be honest. It came and went like a flash of lightening. Now that I am thinking back on it, I realize we were busy because we had so much going on, but it all just jumbled together into one busy after another. As a result, before I really realized we had started, it was gone.

Skipping martenitsas is really no big deal. It is something from Bulgaria. Baba Mart and the martenitsas that everyone bought and sold and made and wore were one of my favorite things when Trent and I were living in Bulgaria, and it is something I like to remember still (not this year apparently). What really made me pause wasn't that I didn't make martenitsas this year. It was that I hadn't even thought about it until the 1st of April. We had 4-H twice. Ashley had the MSA exams at school and plenty of girl drama as well (yuck to the latter). I was the guest reader in Ashley's class once this month. I had my first New Beginnings Program as the Young Women's President. Trent went to London for a week for work, so we celebrated my birthday early. I actually ended up celebrating my birthday for nearly a week. (I admit that I love birthdays though.) We had the youth temple trip, the fundraiser for summer camp and all of our regular meetings, and we had Spring Break. In all of that, I somehow kind of forgot that the month of March was happening. I am so good about birthday cards. I like to send them, and I really like remembering family and friends and all of our nieces and nephews particularly because we don't see them that often. I bought cards this month but never mailed one. I guess that means I am not sending cards for this year now. That is sad. O.k., I didn't really forget, but it made it feel like it came and went in a flash before I really realized it.

I hope everyone had a great month. I hope everyone is enjoying Spring. Chestita Baba Mart to you all.

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