Spring has come and pretty much gone. Summer is well on its way if not here already in Virginia. That means three things: it is very green and beautiful, the pollen count is VERY high, and all the bugs are back. I do mean all. It isn't like we didn't have bugs in California. We did. We even had a couple of baby tarantula sized spiders in and near the garage. It still does not compare to here. The bugs are everywhere, and some are prehistoric. I was cleaning last August/September and heard what I thought was a knock on the window. No, it was a bug colliding with the window. It happened to be so big that I could hear it bump into the window.
Now that the weather is beautiful and school is out, my kids are playing outside a lot. That is as it should be. A few days ago though, Ashley came in and was covered along her legs and arms with over a dozen bug bites. It was crazy. Ticks are very much a reality here as well.
So now, before playing much outside, I not only have to put sunscreen on my kids, I am spraying them down with bug spray. It is an enormous effort for some outdoor play, but it beats the alternative.
What's with the title of this post? Well, if you haven't been to Camp Loll, you will have to take my word for it that it is God's country. It is beautiful. It is one of my favorite places in all the world. You can click on the link above or on the link on the sidebar to the Camp Loll alumni Association to see some pictures for yourself. As much as I love Camp Loll, I do not love the mosquitoes at Camp Loll. They are mythical in size and ability to do damage. They border on capable of picking your pocket. When I worked there in 1993, and in several visits in years afterward, I came to accept bug spray as a common and necessary accoutrement. I HATE mosquitoes, and I am slightly allergic, so the combination is not pretty. They, on the other hand, seem to LOVE me. Go figure. Sooooooooo, as I am spraying down my kids with bug spray, I automatically think of Camp Loll every time. It is one of those olfactory memories I guess. My kids smell like Camp Loll even though only one of them has ever been there.
8 years ago
In two weeks we will be at Loll, I will think of you as I rub on the OFF. It will form a happy link in my heart and mind.
What a nice surprise. I didn't think you visited here anymore. We will think of you all a lot this summer of course. Darcey's husband is bringing his troop to Loll this summer. It is his second summer as a scout master and his first at Loll. We are really excited for him.
i forgot you guys live in Virginia. My brother in law (scott's brother) is there for the summer with his wife. He is selling alarm systems. he lives in fairfax. I don't know if that is close to you or not? if so they are great babysitters!
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