Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ashley = Speedracer?

Ashley and Trent are now officially entered in the Discovery Dash for Saturday, May 24. It is a race for kids to benefit the children's museum here in Charlottesville.

Ashley is running the race for her age group (1/2 mile) and the parent child relay with Trent. She has been out practicing a few times. Trent reports that she needs to roll from heel to toe when she runs instead of slapping her feet. Otherwise, all is well. It should just be a lot of fun.

Jon is currently not interested in running in his age group (1/4 mile), but if that changes in the next week, we might add another runner.

Good luck Ashley. More importantly, we hope it is fun.


M and M said...

Totally Cool! Let us know how they do and take pictures!

Shea said...

Good Luck to Ashley and Trent! Sounds way fun!!!

Bubbles said...

Sounds like a lot of fun that father and daughter can do together. I'm sure Ashley will always remember it. It sounds like you guys are really happy in Virginia.