Friday, December 26, 2008

Trent the Sharpshooter

For any who don't know, Trent will be deploying to Iraq in early January for 90 days. By the time we found out, he needed to get a lot done in a small amount of time. This past Monday, he went down to Norfolk for uniforms and to requalify his weapons. He hasn't redone his qualifications in years, because he simply hasn't needed to. It was so cold on Monday, and he was on the range in the early morning (early 20s at best) with no gloves. He said his hands were numb. He qualified on both the M-16 and the 9mm. On the 9mm handgun, he qualified with the status of sharp shooter. He is pretty proud of that fact. So, he is an attorney and will be doing legal work, but he is also a qualified sharp shooter. :)


M and M said...

We hope Trent has an uneventful tour and comes home safely!

The Jet Boil boils the water pretty quick, doesn't it?

Tiffany said...

Thanks, and yes, that jet boil is impressive. The water was boiling before we had the hot chocolate packets open and in the cups.

Monica Lawver said...

Okay, so I somehow missed this post, so when I read the most recent post about uniforms that mentioned Trent's deployment, I was in shock. I really, really hope the time goes quickly for all of you, and uneventfully for Trent. Tim will be deployable in around 18 months, but I've decided there will be world peace at that time, so I'm not worried. Good luck!

Tiffany said...

Let me know how that world peace thing goes. Sounds great.

A lot could happen in 18 months. I will hope for you that it works out how you need and want it to. A deployment for Tim would be a lot longer than 90 days I think.