Thursday, April 16, 2009

More Pictures - The Trent Report

Trent sent another set of pictures, and though I have been posting a lot lately, I had to add these to share. The first three are from when he was training before deploying. The rest are from Iraq.

Trent qualified sharp shooter (on the 9mm) before leaving but had to requalify when he went for pre-deployment training at the CRC. There, he qualified expert, I believe. I wonder which qualification he gets to wear since one is from the Coast Guard and one is from the Army.

Trent's "CHU"


M and M said...

In the 2nd pic, which one is Trent ;-) Also, what is a CHU? Is he getting excited about coming home?

Tiffany said...

In the second pic, he is the one in the different uniform (second full body from the bottom):). CHU stands for compartmentalized housing unit or something like that. Yes, he is very excited about coming home.

M and M said...

Cool pictures! What is the view of in the picture immediately below the CHU one? Muriel

Tiffany said...

Here is Trent's explanation of what that conical structure is,

"Ok. Well, it's called the "bat house". It is very close to my CHU. I have to walk by it every day. It's a Saddam era bird house, that, to my knowledge, doesn't house any birds. Most people theorize that it wasbuilt for birds, but the bats moved in instead . . . thus, the bathouse."

Lysis said...

Thank you.