Sunday, June 8, 2008


Early last fall, the primary presidency at church took each child outside and had the secretary, Mandy Carroll, take a picture of them. It is common. I didn't think anything of it. I know Mandy is a professional photographer, but these were quick shots. No big deal. At the quarterly activity in December, the kids made gifts to give others in their family. They made picture frames for Mom and Dad and little wooden treasure boxes, journals, and toy snakes for whomever they chose. Samantha was too young to participate in the activity. When we opened our gifts from Ashley and Jon, I was beyond pleased at the pictures included in the frame. They were the ones Mandy had taken. The picture of Jon is hands down one of my top 5 favorite pictures of him. I like the one of Ashley as well, though I keep her school picture in her frame right now. As a result, I couldn't find it to scan in for this post. When I locate it, I will try and remember to post it. My only disappointment? There was no picture of Sami though I know they took one. I was there when it happened.

A few weeks ago, I dropped the kids off in the nursery while I donated blood for an Eagle Scout project. They had finally put up the pictures of the nursery kids. I LOVED the picture of Samantha and have been plotting how and when to get it off of the bulletin board. Imagine how pleased I was when one of the ladies that helps in the nursery simply handed it to me at the end of church today.

Though they were taken quickly, I just love the pictures. Mandy has so much talent. I would love to have her take professional pictures of the kids. She works outdoors in natural light and specializes in working with kids. You can look at samples of her work at her blog or her official site. I would love it, but she is expensive. I am sure it is worth it, but I can't justify it. Still, I just had to share these pictures. They are great don't you think?


M and M said...

Awesome pictures!

Tiffany said...

I agree. You might be interested to know, though, that I have a picture of Jon in a frame on my dresser that I like even more. It is one you took of him kneeling on that big log when we went on that small hike to the waterfall last July.

megan said...

OH MY GOODNESS!! Great pic's. Your kids are so darn cute!