Monday, January 26, 2009

Cookie Time

I thought it only fair to post the following two pieces of information regarding girl scout cookies for any of you that are 1. interested, 2. soon to be contacted by Ashley or 3. interested in contacting Ashley about Girl Scout Cookies.

The first is that due to the rising cost of ingredients, the boxes are 1 centimeter shorter and that resulted in a few types of cookies having fewer in a box or being smaller in size. It literally amounts to 2 cookies fewer, so it really isn't a big difference, but in the interest of full disclosure, I guess people should know. Click here for an article on which cookies are affected.

The second is that the girl scout bakers (Ashley's troop gets their cookies through ABC Bakers) don't get their peanut butter from the source involved in a lot of the recalls. Furthermore, they test all of their peanut butter before using it. Therefore, the peanut butter cookies are still available and not subject to recall for salmonella.

That is a lot for an 8 year old to remember, but she is doing pretty well with it.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Two cookies per serving? What kind of serving is that? Shouldn't it read "one box per serving"?