Thursday, January 1, 2009

We Made It!!!

2008 is now over, and we have officially made it through the entire year with NO trips to the emergency room. Well, Trent did have to take his mom to the ER when she was visiting in November and broke her arm. That is extremely sad, and we feel so badly that she got so hurt while visiting. I still feel like the goal was met though, because we didn't have to take any of our children to the Emergency Room this year. Yesterday was cutting it close. The kids were playing out in the driveway area with the sidewalk chalk and riding bikes. Ashley came in and told me Jon had fallen and was crying. I thought that was it. We do have a few sad scrapes but nothing major. Hooray!


Jill said...

Congratulations! Here's to an equally successful 2009!

M and M said...

Poor Jon, hope he isn't too banged up!

Tiffany said...

He's doing great actually. He has a couple of scrapes on his nose, but they aren't even scabs, so that is good, and his knee and hand have already healed.

mode36 said...

That's awesome!  I know the feeling of meeting that goal as we actually were able to do the same thing this year.  You so totally rock, squirt!

Tiffany said...

Shell, Noggin, Dude!