Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hooray for good T.V.

So, I watched a bit here and there of the Golden Globes. It has long been repeatedly acknowledged by critics and people who write about t.v., that Battlestar Gallactica is continuously shamefully overlooked. With good shows being cancelled or rapidly becoming a subpar shell of their former great selves, I am very excited that the final half of the final season of Battlestar Gallactica will start back up on Friday night. It is too bad Trent won't be here as he loved this show long before I ever got into it. He will have to catch it on DVD when it comes out I guess. Want to look at a preview? So great.
For any who actually watch the show and haven't already seen this..........Spoiler alert.....................The final Cylon is NOT in the picture above.


M and M said...

What no mention of 24 being on the air again? If anyone needs, I recorded the episodes thus far

Shea said...

I have never heard of this show..I think I remember you mentioning it before..I should try it out!

About 24..I'm way excited to watch it. I'm waiting for Tony to come home to watch it! If he isn't home to night..I may just watch without him! I'm excited!

Tiffany said...

I have watched all 4 hours so far in this season's 24, and so far it is pretty good I must say. I totally called the secret service guy that drives around with the President's husband though.

I am keeping the jury out on 24 for a little while longer though. The last season started strongly and ended SO BADLY, that I am reserving judgment. I am watching it though.