Monday, March 2, 2009

Lost Teeth

Over the last couple of weeks, Jon has lost his first two teeth. He is the only kid I've ever seen who had loose teeth and didn't sit and wiggle them all the time. He would wiggle them to check on them if asked about them, but he otherwise left them alone.

When he lost his first tooth, he lost it coming home on the bus. He dropped it, thus literally losing it on the bus. He was pretty bummed but was totally o.k. with writing a note for the Tooth Fairy instead. The next day, I drove the kids to school. They were up late, so I let them sleep in a little and drove them rather than put them on the bus. They did ride the bus home though. When he got off the bus 24 hours later, Jon had found his own tooth. What are the chances?
Not quite a week later, Jon lost his other loose front tooth. This time he brought it home in a zip lock bag and was able to put it under his pillow.


Shea said...

He is getting so big!!! Love the missing teeth...cute pictures.

M and M said...

Awesome find! Way to go Jon!!!