Thursday, March 5, 2009

Torture Thy Name is Haircut

I don't know how many of you can relate to this, but Jon absolutely HATES to have his hair cut. We jokingly (well kind of) say that it is time commit torture when it is time to cut his hair. Though I am not great at it, I cut his hair. It is such an ordeal that taking him somewhere to do it seems pointless. When I mentioned that I would be torturing Jon via a hair cut on facebook, I told my dad I would take pictures. I also let Ashley video part of it. She is far enough away, and Sammy is making enough noise, that you can't really hear Jon that much. The steady crying came when I changed from a 6 to a 3 for the sides. For that reason, I don't feel as bad about posting it. In other words, you don't really get the worst of it. He flinched big time as I was contouring around the ear, so he has a gouge on one side. Oh well I guess. He is getting better, but we still have so far to go. I am out of ideas for how to help him with it. He HATES it. He has gotten better about scissor cutting. Maybe we need to move to that.




M and M said...

Looks great from the front! Too funny that he hates it so much. Maybe when Trent gets back, have them get their haircuts at the same time, kinda of a guy thing, maybe it will be better with that.

Tiffany said...

Wish that were enough. Last time we tried that, he made it through the first part but had such a fit about it that the guy wouldn't finish his sides. I had to finish it when they got home.

Shea said...

You are great! I wouldn't even know how to cut the boys' hair. He looks super cute! Sorry it is so hard to get his hair cut...There is this great place that just opened here called Snip Its. It is a place that is just for kids. Each station has a TV with a cute video or a game you can plan while they cut your hair. You also can eat Animal Crackers from the cookie dispenser while they are cutting. When you are finished you take a special card and a piece of your hair and put it in this huge machine. It spits out a prize. Maybe something like that when you are visiting might work?

Amber said...

I cut my boys hair too- and while it's not quite what you experience, I do have to show them that I'm using the black covers. You know the #1 size and such. If I used the bare clippers they get a LOT more twitchy. :) I've taken some funny gouges out. Around the ears is the hardest part.
In anycase he looks cute. :)