Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day!

It started snowing yesterday afternoon, and by 7:00, it was sticking to the roads. We finally got the official phone call just before 8:00 to let us know there would be no school today. When the kids woke up, there was a lot more snow than the 1 inch they had when they went to sleep. There was nearly 6 inches of it, which for us here is quite a bit. They were so very very happy to go out and play in real actual snow. I am a bit spoiled for Utah snow. This snow is poor snowman making material, but the kids had a great time all the same.

Ashley was very concerned about one tree from her first look out the window this morning. It was quite burdened with the snow. I was fairly sure that it was just sagging under the snow, but we had to shake off the bulk of it to make sure. Sure enough, the tree is fine.

Playing in the tree a few weeks ago. If it can hold those kids, it can hold 6 inches of snow.

weighed down with snow

Just fine now. It did make a really fun "hide out" for the kids to play in this morning though.
Finally, these pictures were all taken with Ashley's camera she got for Christmas. It actually is a video camera that also takes still shots. She wanted me to take some video of them in the snow and put it with the pictures. Here it is below.


Shea said...

That is pretty snow! We haven't had very good snowman snow this year either..kind of a bummer. Enjoy the snow day!

M and M said...

Looks like they were having fun! Who was doing the screaming in the video?

Tiffany said...

Pretty sure it was Ashley. I am still not sure what she was trying to pretend to be at that moment though.

M and M said...

Leave it to kids to enjoy the adventure of snow when it was causing so much chaos for everyone else! Double-bonus, no school and a snowy adventure too!

Love, Grammy

Amy & Mark said...

It looks beautiful . . . and so fun!