Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How out of it am I?

This is how out of it I apparently am today. When I picked up Jon and Ashley at the bus stop, we had to wait, because Jon had taken off one of his shoes on the bus. The shoe in his hand did not match the shoe on his foot. Furthermore, they were both left shoes. The natural thought of the bus driver was that he had switched shoes with someone. A quick look in the closet proves that no, in fact, I put two different shoes (both left shoes) on my son this morning and sent him to school that way. No wonder he took the one off. It is too small. That would explain why we had a hard time getting it on this morning. What is wrong with me?


Shea said...

Gotta love days like that! You are not the only one!

Shannon, Ray and Hayden said...

LOL! So I have days like that to look forward to? I have a hard enough time getting myself dressed in the morning!

M and M said...

What were you thinking! Wake up! Just kidding, sometimes it is easy to overlook details.

mode36 said...

If it makes you feel better the boys wear different colored socks all the time.  It happens, and thanks for doing it so I could laugh!