Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How Did I Miss This?

While driving the kids to the bus stop today, Jon asked me what the ground hog decided about Spring. It is raining today. The rain was snow for about 1.2 minutes. Anyhow, I told Jon the ground hog saw his shadow and the rest. Ashley then told me about this story. I had to come back and google it to see if it was true. I laughed so hard. I feel somewhat vindicated in my Ground Hog's Day theories now.


M and M said...

Loved the article! A little ironic don't you think?

Shannon, Ray and Hayden said...

That is a hilarious article! Very fitting!!

Shea said...

Wow..I'm with you! How did you not hear about that?! Funny & I agree with your dad...Ironic.