Thursday, August 21, 2008

Walk Like a Chicken

Try as we may, we seem unable to convince our children to not play outside without their shoes. Many times we catch one or more of them out there barefoot even though we have counselled them otherwise. Because we have a wooden deck out back, slivers happen on occasion. The casualty this time is Sami. Trying to get it out has been a huge exercise in frustration, because she refuses to hold still and gets entirely freaked out and worked up. After trying several times to hold her down and get it out last night, Trent and I let her go. She was crying to her dad, and he was trying to explain to her that he can't get the sliver out if she won't hold still. Not wanting to hold still or submit to tweezers, Sami proposed a solution that had us both laughing. She said she would just walk like a chicken. She then demonstrated by walking around on her tip toes on the injured foot and regularly on the other. I am not sure that is walking like a chicken, but it was hilarious.

On a side note, at the time of writing this, the sliver is still in her foot. If anyone has a nifty sliver removal process that takes into account strong squirmy 3 year olds, please pass it along.


mode36 said...

Sorry, I've got nothing for you.  We had the same problem with Taylor.  In fact he had one that we couldn't get out and had to take him to Nye and have him cut it out.

I feel your pain on trying to hold a three year old down also!  When Taylor had his whart on the bottom of his pinky toe it took Shea, me, and at least one nurse to hold him down while various doctors tried scraping and treating it!

Shea said...

Awww, Tiff :( I'm so sorry! It looks like Tony explained our situation with Taylor.

It was actually not Dr. Nye, though. It was some on call Dr. They held him down and cut his foot open just enough to get the sliver out with a small razor blade. It broke my heart, but once the small slit was in they were able to just pull it out.

Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Try Elmer's Glue! You can put some on the sliver - and whole area for fun - and when it is dry, pull it off. If the sliver isn't in too deep, it should come out when you pull of the dried glue. - Grandma Linda